Drum filters and oxygen cones production
Архангельск Балашиха Астрахань Барнаул Белгород Благовещенск Брянск Великий Новгород Владивосток Владикавказ Владимир Волгоград Волжский Вологда Воронеж Грозный Екатеринбург Иваново Ижевск Иркутск Йошкар-Ола Казань Кемерово Калининград Калуга Киров Кострома Краснодар Красноярск Курган Курск Липецк Магнитогорск Махачкала Москва Мурманск Набережные Челны Нальчик Нижневартовск Нижний Новгород Нижний Тагил Новокузнецк Новороссийск Новосибирск Норильск Омск Орёл Оренбург Пенза Пермь Петрозаводск Петропавловск-Камчатский Псков Ростов-на-Дону Рязань Салехард Самара Санкт-Петербург Саранск Саратов Севастополь Симферополь Смоленск Сочи Ставрополь Стерлитамак Сыктывкар Тамбов Тверь Тольятти Томск Тула Тюмень Улан-Удэ Ульяновск Уфа Хабаровск Ханты-Мансийск Чебоксары Челябинск Череповец Чита Южно-Сахалинск Якутск Ярославль
The technical support section contains answers to general questions, as well as questions about delivery and warranty for our equipment.
Drum filter mesh replacement

Drum filter mesh replacement

Filtration mesh of a drum filter shall be replaced, if inlet water contamination level has changed or the mesh was damaged.

For the filtration mesh replacement, please:

1.     power off the pump and gear motor of the drum drive.

2.     remove the bands around the drum by means of tension screws disassembling.

3.     unscrew the nuts of the drum clamping strips and remove it.

4.     remove old filtration mesh and double-sided adhesive tape on metal clamping strips.

5.     stick on a new double-sided adhesive tape.

6.     fix a new filtration mesh from one side with a double-sided adhesive tape on the drum instead of previously installed one and smooth it down.

7.     place the other end of the filtration mesh around the drum, pull it slightly, fix it with a double-sided tape and smooth it.

8.     fit the clamping strips in place and tighten the nuts.

9.     place bands around the drum, tighten them with screws through the openings in the strip.

Drum filter mounting

Drum filter mounting

1.     Check the tightening torque of bolted connections of the filter. If necessary, please set the displaced parts in their original position and tighten the bolted connections.

2.     Place the filter on a flat, solid surface (channel or container bottom), locate it properly and fix with anchor bolts on the bottom.

3.     Seal the gaps between the front wall (in the direction of the filtered liquid flow) of the drum filter and the walls of the channel or opening in the container. Please use rubber, silicone, polymer seals, any waterproof inserts and linings for sealing.

4.     Connect the branch pipe for removing sediment and flushing liquid to the pipeline of the sewer system or septic tank by means of couplings or other faucet joints. Seal the connections with silicone, if necessary.

5.     Connect the inlet of the flushing pump to a source of clean water (a tank with water from a well or municipal water supply system). Connect the outlet to a tee-joint on the injection nozzles pipe. Reinforced polymer hoses or a pipeline made of brazed polypropylene pipes (DN at least 25mm) can be used for the pump connection.

6.     Install the bracket with the liquid level sensor (electrode) on the filter frame above the inlet in the front wall. Fix terminals of the sensor wires: one terminal is attached to the frame through a bolt connection, which fixes the top of the case to the frame; the second one - through the bolted connection fixing the electrode on the bracket. The drum filter is shipped by the manufacturer with a preset sensitivity of the liquid level sensor. If necessary, the sensitivity can be adjusted with the adjusting screw on the level sensor relay installed in the control unit behind the front panel.

7.     Install the control unit in a room with a temperature of 15-30 ° C and normal humidity.

8.     Connect the gear motor, pump, water level sensor to the control unit in accordance with the Installation and Operation Manual of the control unit.

9.     Connect the control unit to a single-phase electrical network. Provide a backup power source in case of interruptions in the main source operation.

10. Immerse the filtration drum into the liquid to 30% of its height and start the drum filter in accordance with the Installation and Operation Manual of the control unit. Set the manual operating mode with automatic injection nozzles switch on (following the sensor signal). Feed the filtered liquid to the drum filter with a gradual increase in its volume to the design (operating) value. Check the drum filter for abnormal noise and vibrations.

When all of the above steps have been performed please switch the operating mode of the drum filter from manual to automatic one following the Installation and Operation Manual of the control unit.


Livam PC LLC arranges the equipment delivery to all regions of Russia, CIS, near and far abroad countries.

- We deliver the equipment to terminals of such freight forwarder as Deloviye linii and DPD.

- The equipment can be picked up from our warehouse. To pick up the equipment please send us a properly executed Power of Attorney on your company’s letterhead to a "Transport Company" or the freight forwarder picking up the cargo.

You can find the Power of Attorney Template at the bottom of the page.

- To reduce the delivery time and minimize costs of trading companies, being our partners, our company can send the equipment directly to the buyer. To do this please fill out and send us Shipping Letter Template indicating name of the equipment, payer for the freight costs and the final consignee.

You can find the Shipping Letter Template at the bottom of the page.

Power of Attorney Template


Shipping Letter Template



Power of Attorney
Download Power of Attorney here
Shipping Letter
Download shipping letter here
Manufacturer’s Warranty Obligations

Livam PC LLC Warranty Obligations

1. The manufacturer guarantees compliance of the equipment with technical requirements, provided that the User observes the rules of transportation, storage and operation specified in the equipment Technical Data Sheet and Operations Manual.

2. The warranty period is specified in the equipment Technical Data Sheet and Operations Manual.

3. During the warranty period, the manufacturer shall repair or replace the product or its parts free of charge in case of malfunction, provided that the User has observed the rules of transportation, storage and operation specified in the equipment Technical Data Sheet and Operations Manual.

4. Warranty repair and replacement of the equipment is carried out at the address:

2 A, Kooperativnaya street, Belgorod, 308013 Russia – Livam PC LLC,
Technical Department: (4722) 56-97-52
E-mail (Warranty and Claim Department): quality@livam.ru, support@livam.ru

5. When sending the product for warranty repair, please, attach the Technical Data Sheet and Operations Manual.

Important! If Technical Data Sheet and Operations Manual is not attached, the product warranty does not apply!

6. Shipping of products subject to repair or replacement in a warranty case is carried out at the expense of the manufacturer. Delivery of products for examination is carried out at the expense of the User. If the case proved to be a warranty one, the manufacturer shall reimburse the costs incurred by the User for the product shipment.

Claiming procedure

1. A claim can be made in case of malfunction of the equipment, its parts, and other defects.

2. When submitting a claim, please, fill out a Letter of Claim and send a Technical Condition Report indicating:

- serial number;
- date of the product receipt and number of the document under which it was purchased;
- hours of operation since the first usage;
- broken, worn out components or parts;
- opinion of the commission making up the report on reasons of the breakdown.

3. If necessary (determined by the manufacturer), the Technical Condition Report shall be accompanied with:

- a malfunctioning part (knot). If it is impossible, please, indicate it in the Technical Condition Report;
- technical documentation supplied with the equipment.

4. The manufacturer does not consider a claim without the aforesaid documents.

Important! Claims concerning parts and assembly units repaired by the User are not considered by the manufacturer.

Technical condition report
Download technical condition report here
Letter of claim
Download letter of claim here
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